Downtown 95 East Main Street, Franklin, United StatesThe Town of Franklin presents the 28th Annual PumpkinFest Featuring the World Famous Pumpkin Roll
The Town of Franklin presents the 28th Annual PumpkinFest Featuring the World Famous Pumpkin Roll
Join the Town of Franklin as we, along with our citizens, honor Veterans on Tuesday, November 11th with a parade & ceremony. The parade will leave the lower level of Franklin Town Hall at 10:30 am and travel to the Gazebo on the Square for the ceremony. Special banners lead each group of Veterans along ... Read more
Join with the Town of Franklin, North Carolina for this most wonderful time of year as Historic Downtown Franklin is transformed into a "Winter Wonderland" featuring: enhanced holiday decor, live sounds of the season outdoors at the downtown gazebo and inside stores, great sales from downtown merchants and much more! Plus, you can meet and ... Read more
Join with the Town of Franklin as we ring in the holidays with Winter Wonderland. These annual events are held on the two Saturdays after Thanksgiving from 5:00 pm to 8:00 each evening. Plus, you'll be able to enjoy enhanced holiday decor throughout the season with many great photo opportunities. (Photos by Eric Haggart)
This year marks the 12th anniversary the Crabtree family, with help from the Town of Franklin, has sponsored the New Year’s Eve Ruby Drop.