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Airing of the Quilts

The Merchants of Downtown Franklin, North Carolina present Airing of the Quilts
Saturday, May 11, 2019 • 9:00am to 4:00pm  ** Event has been CANCELLED**

Sponsored by over 30 Downtown Franklin, North Carolina Merchants the Airing of the Quilts is an outdoor quilt show that showcases this timeless piece of our Appalachian heritage. See quilts displayed all throughout Historic Downtown Franklin as businesses and homeowners will be hanging quilts from their store fronts and porches that will create an unbelievable burst of spring color throughout the Town of Franklin, NC.

In addition, the Airing of the Quilts celebration will feature Quilting Vendors, Arts & Crafts Vendors, Quilting Demonstrations, Great Giveaways and much, much more!


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